Join us

It's great that you are interested in joining us. You don't have to be a psychology major, we welcome people from all kinds of disciplines and faculties. However, you should be enrolled at a university in Graz.

Before you can be a listener, you will take part in a training. During the training, you will learn more about the Carl Rogers approach, do some practical exercises and learn more about our association and the basic principles of Nightlines.

In addition to the telephone services, the association tasks are also distributed to the new members.

So that you can get a better picture of the Nightline and a deeper insight into the background and tasks, we cordially invite you to our information evening:

Am 26.02 um 17 Uhr online (Welcome weeks: Raum )
Am 29.02 um 17 Uhr im Schubertnest (Elisabethstraße 27)
Am 03.03 um 17 Uhr online (Raum)
Am 05.03 um 17 Uhr im Schubertnest (Elisabethstraße 27)
Am 07.03 um 17 Uhr im Schubertnest (Elisabethstraße 27)
Am 03.03 um 17 Uhr online (Raum)

Da die Schulung am 16. & 17.03 ansteht und wir sicherstellen wollen, dass du davor mit allen Infos über die Nightline ausgestattet bist, bitten wir dich auf jeden Fall zu einem der Infoabende zu kommen, wenn du bei uns Zuhörer*in werden möchtest. Zu Planungszwecken würden wir uns über eine Anmeldung zum Infoabend freuen, aber natürlich kannst du auch gerne spontan vorbei kommen. Erzähl auch gerne deinen Freund*innen von uns.

We look forward to seeing you!

We listen to you.

Call us:

+43 316 264912

We are available on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 20:00!
Availability & Languages

Chat with us »

We are available on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 20:00!
Availability & Languages